Life Up North

One thing leads to another. So, after Susan left the Detroit Free Press in 2008, in between traveling, studying the night sky, reading poetry and lingering longer each morning at her hometown bakery, she began writing about food and agriculture.

in pursuit of a story susan visits gene garthe's farm west of northport. 

in pursuit of a story susan visits gene garthe's farm west of northport.


Many of those stories have found a welcoming home in Edible Grande Traverse, a publication that focuses on Northern Michigan's growing reputation as a mecca for foodies.  In Spring 2010 Susan explored the story of seven neighbors in rural Northern Michigan who cooperatively grow chickens. Click on the title of the article to learn more about how these neighbors work together.


Click on the links below to read three of Susan's other Edible Grande Traverse articles.

Eden Now: The Nourishing Life of Richard Allen

Cooking Needs Cloth

Mothers, Old Souls and Vinegars

Susan Ager has a rare combination of curiosity, depth, compassion, determination and skill that allows her to take what might seem like the most mundane, everyday topics and turn them into reading that keeps you stuck on every word and unable to turn away. Some of her pieces I’ve read two to three times, just for the pure pleasure and to make sure I didn’t miss a single detail.
— Julie Topping, Senior Director of Content Strategy, Detroit Free Press